डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्त्र विद्यापीठ , लोणेरे

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere

Aavishkar - 2025 Event Portal

Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention
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About Aavishkar

Understanding the new realm of knowledge is facilitated by the research. The research engages societies and scholars to think critically and make them capable to find solutions to various problems. The role of the education system is very crucial in inculcating the research values. The National Education Policy has placed priority on research in higher education institutions. Academic research is an integral part of the higher education system in most knowledge societies. To keep the research at the priority, the students in higher education should be enthused to engage themselves in the research. Through detailed research, students develop critical thinking expertise as well as effective analytical, research and communication skills that are globally sought-after and incredibly beneficial.

With the view of promoting research among the students, the then Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra and the Chancellor of the Universities in the State of Maharashtra initiated Aavishkar: Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention in the academic year 2006-07. Since then, the convention has engaged thousands of research minds to unveil many unexplored areas of knowledge. The convention has helped in connecting likeminded researchers, created a spirit of exploring new ideas and brought solutions to many problems.


• To identify the hidden innovative scientific talents and capacities of the students and provide them opportunities to inculcate research aptitude.
• To create competitiveness among the researchers to enhance the quality of the research.
• To appreciate the researchers and provide financial aid in the form of fellowship to promote the research.