डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्त्र विद्यापीठ , लोणेरे

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere

Aavishkar - 2025 Event Portal

Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention
News :
List of Eligible Candidates for Podium Round   Uploaded Date : 14/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    

Eligibility Criteria for Levels

(A) Undergraduate Students (UG)

I. A full time bonafide student enrolled in UG programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is eligible for the participation.

II. A student enrolled in UG Diploma Programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University which is of a minimum duration of 1 academic year and whose examination is conducted by the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University subsequent to passing of 12th Class / HSC Examination or equivalent Examination is also eligible to participate in the UG level.

III. The age of the student should not be more than 25 years as on 30st September of the academic year in which the convention is being held.

(B) Post-Graduate Students (PG)

I. A full time bonafide student enrolled in PG programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is eligible for the participation.

II. A student enrolled in PG Diploma Programme of the affiliated college /constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University which is of a minimum duration of 1 academic year and whose examination is conducted by the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University subsequent to passing of graduation is also eligible to participate in the PG level.

III. The age of the student should not be more than 30 years as on 30st September of the academic year in which the convention is being held.

(C) Post PG Students (PPG)

I. A student who has post graduate degree and is duly registered for M.Phil. /Ph.D. / D.Sc. / D.Litt. degree in the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is eligible for the participation.

II. A student pursuing Post-doctoral Research in the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is not eligible for the participation.

III. A student who has submitted their synopsis / thesis for his/her M.Phil. / Ph.D. / D.Sc. / D.Litt. degree and his/her viva-voce examination is awaited, is also eligible for the participation.

IV. A student who has successfully completed his/her viva-voce examination for his/her M.Phil. / Ph.D. / D.Sc. / D.Litt. degree is NOT eligible.

V. There is no age limit for the PPG students.

Rules for Computing Years for UG and PG levels

a. Not more than 7 years have elapsed since a student passed the examination qualifying him/her for first admission to a UG degree or diploma course of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University.

b. Further, students can participate for 1 year more than the normal length of the academic programme which he/she is following.


The restriction of participation to a period of one year more than the length/duration of academic course means that students pursuing a three year degree programme (i.e. B.A, B.Sc., B.Com., etc.) can participate for four years, while a student pursuing four year programme (i.e. B.E., B.Tech., etc.) can participate for five years.

Rules for Computing Years for PPG level

Not more than 5 years (as on 30th September of the current academic year) have elapsed since a student was admitted to the M.Phil. / Ph.D. programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University.