डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्त्र विद्यापीठ , लोणेरे

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere

Aavishkar - 2025 Event Portal

Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention
News :
List of Eligible Candidates for Podium Round   Uploaded Date : 14/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    

The General Eligibility Criteria for Participation

1. The full time bonafide student enrolled for UG / PG / M.Phil. / Ph.D. / D.Sc. / D.Lit. programme in the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is eligible for the participation.

2. The student enrolled in UG Diploma Programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University which is of a minimum duration of 1 academic year and whose examination is conducted by the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University subsequent to passing of 12th Class / HSC Examination or equivalent Examination is also eligible to participate in the UG level.

3. The student enrolled in PG Diploma Programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University which is of a minimum duration of 1 academic year and whose examination is conducted by the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University subsequent to passing of graduation is also eligible to participate in the PG level.

4. Student enrolled in correspondence course/programme of the affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is NOT eligible for the participation.

5. Casual student, external student and student pursuing bridge course / programme in affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University are NOT eligible for the participation.

6. Student enrolled in distance education institute of the Representing University is NOT eligible for the participation. 7. Student representing Open University shall be considered to be bonafide student of the same University and shall be eligible to participate provided he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria for levels.

8. Student having provisional admission in affiliated college / constituent college / recognized institute / academic department of the Representing University is NOT eligible for the participation.

9. Student can represent only that University where he/she is pursuing his/her degree / diploma.

10. The student shall NOT be allowed to represent more than 1 University during single academic year.

11. Student should have valid Identity Card and PRN No. / Registration No. of the Representing University from where he/she is pursuing his/her degree / diploma.

12. Student migrating from other University can participate only when his/her admission is regularized and he/she gets admitted as a bonafide student.

13. Student from any discipline can participate in any category to which his/her research project fits.

14. Any disqualification of a participant on the ground of given criteria may result in removal of the participant from the ‘Aavishkar: Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention’ to be held in the following three years including current year of the participation.

15. Ethics of research must be delicately observed by the student and his/her mentor.