डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्त्र विद्यापीठ , लोणेरे

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere

Aavishkar - 2025 Event Portal

Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention
News :
List of Eligible Candidates for Podium Round   Uploaded Date : 14/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    

Podium Presentation Round

General Rules

  1. The selected research projects shall be presented in the form of podium presentation.
  2. Each research project shall be presented in a maximum of 7 minutes. A warning bell shall be given in the 6th minute. The participant has to finish the presentation in the given time. In case the time is exceeded, the research project shall be disqualified. However, a 15-second grace period shall be allowed.
  3. The presentation shall be followed by the discussion not exceeding more than 3 minutes.
  4. In the discussion, only judges are allowed to ask questions to the participant.
  5. The results shall be announced at the Prize Distribution Ceremony.

Guidelines for Preparation of Podium Presentation

  1. The selected participant shall give the podium presentation using any software/tool such as PowerPoint Presentation, Prezi, Canva, Google Slides, etc. The presenter shall carry the concerned software and supporting files in the laptop/pen drive.
  2. The presentation shall be made either in English, Marathi, or Hindi language.
  3. Use universal fonts to avoid delays during the presentation. In case the presentation is in Marathi or Hindi, carry the fonts in the laptop/pen drive.
  4. Keep the laptop/pen drive virus-free.
  5. Possibly save all the important files related to the research project in one folder in the laptop/pen drive to avoid delay.
  6. Use minimal text on the slide/s.
  7. Make the presentation using suitable pictures, diagrams, graphs, tables, etc.
  8. Keep the slides limited so as to finish the presentation in the specified time.
  9. The format of the first slide is given in Annexure 2. It shall be followed strictly.
  10. Do not reveal the identity of the Participant/College/Institute/Department/University on the slide/s. In case the identity is revealed, the participant shall be disqualified.
  11. Introduce yourself only with the Code Number (to be given at the time of registration) and do not reveal the identity or name of the College/Institute/Department/University during the presentation.
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