डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्त्र विद्यापीठ , लोणेरे

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere

Aavishkar - 2025 Event Portal

Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention
News :
List of Eligible Candidates for Podium Round   Uploaded Date : 14/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    
Important Links Schedule of the Convention List of Documents Downloads

Documents to be Submitted at the Registration Desk

Following documents are to be submitted by the Team Managers of the Participating University on the first day of the convention at the Registration Desk as mentioned in the schedule.

Level: UG

# Document
1 Printout of Information of the Participants, Research Projects and Mentors (Downloaded from the Registration Portal) (Original)
2 Identity Card of the Current Academic Year (Original)
3 Identity Card of the Current Academic Year (Attested Photocopy)
4 Fees Receipt of the Current Academic Year (Original)
5 Fees Receipt of the Current Academic Year (Attested Photocopy)
6 School Leaving Certificate or SSC Certificate or Birth Certificate (Attested Photocopy)
7 12th Class / HSC Marksheet (Attested Photocopy)
8 Mark Sheet/s of Previous Semester Examinations (Attested Photocopy/ies)
9 Undertaking by the Participating Student (Original) (Annexure 3)
10 Responsibility Certificate (Original) (Annexure 4)
11 Bonafide Certificate (Original) (Annexure 5)
12 Physical Fitness Certificate (Original) (Annexure 6)
13 Verification Certificate (Original) (Annexure 7)

Note: Submit the documents mentioned in above points 1 to 13 student-wise

Level: PG

# Document
1 Printout of Information of the Participants, Research Projects and Mentors (Downloaded from the Registration Portal) (Original)
2 Identity Card of the Current Academic Year (Original)
3 Identity Card of the Current Academic Year (Attested Photocopy)
4 Fees Receipt of the Current Academic Year (Original)
5 Fees Receipt of the Current Academic Year (Attested Photocopy)
6 School Leaving Certificate or SSC Certificate or Birth Certificate (Attested Photocopy)
7 12th Class / HSC Marksheet (Attested Photocopy)
8 Mark Sheet/s of Previous UG Semester Examinations (Attested Photocopy/ies)
9 Mark Sheet/s of Previous PG Semester Examinations (Attested Photocopy/ies)
10 Undertaking by the Participating Student (Original) (Annexure 3)
11 Responsibility Certificate (Original) (Annexure 4)
12 Bonafide Certificate (Original) (Annexure 5)
13 Physical Fitness Certificate (Original) (Annexure 6)
14 Verification Certificate (Original) (Annexure 7)

Note: Submit the documents mentioned in above points 1 to 14 student-wise

Level: PPG

# Document
1 Printout of Information of the Participants, Research Projects and Mentors (Downloaded from the Registration Portal) (Original)
2 Identity Card of the Current Academic Year (Original)
3 Identity Card of the Current Academic Year (Attested Photocopy)
4 Fees Receipt of the Current Academic Year (Original)
5 Fees Receipt of the Current Academic Year (Attested Photocopy)
6 Mark Sheet of UG Last Semester Examination (Attested Photocopy)
7 Mark Sheet of PG Last Semester Examination (Attested Photocopy)
8 Research Programme Selection Committee Report of College/Institute/Department (Attested Photocopy)
9 Research Programme Scheme/Topic Approval Letter of the University (Attested Photocopy)
10 Research Programme Registration Certificate/Letter of the University (Attested Photocopy)
11 Undertaking by the Participating Student (Original) (Annexure 3)
12 Responsibility Certificate (Original) (Annexure 4)
13 Bonafide Certificate (Original) (Annexure 5)
14 Physical Fitness Certificate (Original) (Annexure 6)
15 Verification Certificate (Original) (Annexure 7)

Note: Submit the documents mentioned in above points 1 to 15 student-wise