डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्त्र विद्यापीठ , लोणेरे

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere

Aavishkar - 2025 Event Portal

Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention
News :
List of Eligible Candidates for Podium Round   Uploaded Date : 14/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    

Categories and Levels

Students of the University are allowed to participate in any of the following category irrespective of their own discipline / programme / course


Category 1: Humanities, Languages and Fine Arts
Category 2: Commerce, Management and Law
Category 3: Pure Sciences
Category 4: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Category 5: Engineering and Technology
Category 6: Medicine and Pharmacy

The students can participate in any of the above categories in the following levels where fit eligible


Level 1: Undergraduate Students (UG)
Level 2: Postgraduate Students (PG)
Level 3: Post PG Students (PPG)

Areas Covered under each Category

Category 1: Humanities, Languages and Fine Arts

It covers research areas like arts, languages, literature, social sciences, fine arts, journalism, mass media, education, physical education, performing arts, library sciences, humanities and other related fields which are of social interest like agricultural extension, preventive medicine and veterinary sciences, etc. However, technical innovations for the benefit of society cannot be a part of this category.

Category 2: Commerce, Management and Law

It covers research areas like commerce, accountancy, management, finance, banking and insurance, law and other fields where these disciplines are applicable.

Category 3: Pure Sciences

It covers areas like all basic sciences, soil sciences, home sciences and other fields like biotechnology, microbiology, environmental sciences, life sciences, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, bioanalytical, etc.

Category 4: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

It covers areas like horticulture, agriculture, agronomy, entomology, fisheries, animal husbandry and other fields like biotechnology, microbiology, biophysics, biochemistry, bioanalytical chemistry, etc. where agricultural and animal husbandry aspects are covered.

Category 5: Engineering and Technology

It covers all branches of engineering and technology. It also includes computer science, information technology, data sciences, agricultural engineering, food technology, dairy technology, biophysics, biomedical and biosensor, etc. where engineering and technology aspects are covered.

Category 6: Medicine and Pharmacy

It covers all branches of medicine and pharmacy. It also includes veterinary medicine, preventive medicine, epidemiology, clinical studies, etc.